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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

* Quote Sheets: The Crucible; Uncle Tom's Cabin; Moby Dick; Oedipus Rex

NAME____________________________________________ Doc. No._____________
Crucible: A metal vessel into which is poured molten metal; an experience which shapes a person or people for life (e.g. the Salem Witch Trials of 1692; the McCarthy Un-American Activities Committee Congressional investigations of the 1950's)

The Crucible
Arthur Miller
Setting: Salem Massachusetts, 1692


1. Uncle, the rumor of witchcraft is all about.
2. And what shall I say to them? That my daughter and my niece I discovered dancing in the forest like heathen?
3. But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest, I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it. THEOCRACY
4. I saw Tituba waving her arms over the fire when I came on you [. . .] And I heard a screeching and gibberish coming from her mouth. She were swaying like a dumb beast over that fire.
5. Whatever abomination you have done, give me all of it now, for I dare not be taken unaware [. . .].
6. Goody Ann, it is a formidable sin to conjure up the dead!
7. I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on the pillow next to mine, and I have seen some reddish work done at night, and I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!
8. I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near!
9. I know you John Proctor. I know you ! (Day-Lewis video, 1998)
10. There is prodigious danger in the seeking of loose spirits. I fear it.
11. [Your grandfather] nearly willed away my north pasture but he knew I’d break his fingers before he set his name to it.
12. You permit dancing?
13. Mr. Parris’s slave has knowledge of conjurin’, sir.
14. I hope you do not think we go to Satan here.
15. Ah! The stoppage of prayer —that is strange. I’ll speak further on that with you.
16. You have said that twice, sir.
17. Adultery, John
18. But I know the children’s sickness had naught to do with witchcraft.
19. Question Abigail Williams about the Gospel, not myself.
20. What signifies a poppet, Mr. Cheever?
21. The girl is murder! She must be ripped out of the world!
22. [. . . ] but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law!
23. I will fall like an ocean on that court! Fear nothing, Elizabeth.
24. Abby’ll charge lechery on you, Mr. Proctor!
25. How do you know, then, that you are not a witch?
26. But if she say she is pregnant, then she must be! That woman will never lie, Mr. Danforth.
27. But witchcraft is ipso facto, on its face and by its nature, an invisible crime, is it not? Therefore, who may possibly be witness to it? The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; granted? Therefore we must rely upon her victims---and they do testify. The children certainly do testify.
28. I have known her, sir. I have known her.
29. And if she tell me child it were for harlotry, may God spread his mercy on you!
30. I say---I say---God is dead!
31. You are pulling heaven down and raising up a whore!
32. They say he give them but two words, “More weight’” he says . And died.
33. It’s not on a ship we’ll meet again Abigail, but in hell. (Day-Lewis video, 1998)
34. It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery.
35. I have given you my soul; leave me my name!
36. Who weeps for these weeps for corruption!
37. He have his goodnes

Name __________________________________________Doc. No. ___

(Fill in the speaker.)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)

UNCLE TOM’S CABIN QUOTES (Brooks video, 1987)

(Note: The repugnant “n” word is used here only as a direct quotation. It may not be used in class.)

1. You know Papa wouldn’t sell anyone here.
2. Good. I consider religion to be a valuable thing in a nigger.
3. Shelby—this child will make someone a wonderful house pet.
4. By Jupiter! There’s an article! You could make a fortune on her in New Orleans.
5. I would ask you , sir, not to take the boy from his mother.
6. Hell, it’s easy done. Give her some earrings. She won’t make no fuss.
7. Trouble with you kintucky folk is you spoil you niggers.
8. How am I supposed to tell her we have sold her child?
9. T’aint right! T’aint none of it right!
10. If I go then everybody here gets sold----and I can’t do that.
11. Sir, as Mrs. Shelby is present, I shall ask you to observe something of the decorum of a gentleman.
12. Fifty dollars down flat. I know the catchin’ trade.
13. Here now Chloe. God is still lookin’ on.
14. I assure you sir, this precaution is entirely unnecessary.
15. Q: How can you chain people up like cattle? Have you no shame?
A: Just a business.
A: A dirty business.
A: T’aint no worse than the people who sell ‘em.
16. I have found two children of God.
17. Q: Papa, why must they wear chains?
A: Oh, it’s to keep them from runnin’ away.
A: Who would blame them for tryin’?
18. Someone’s gonna buy me but I don’t know who.
19. Therefore I was wondering just how much you were prepared to cheat me?
20. And this ‘un, not only can he read but he’s got a tolerable brain.
21. Did you say thy husband’s name is George?
22. Does thee still think of going to Canada?
23. This man who may be thy husband has arrived at the settlement.
24. These slaves are the plague of my life.
25. Mammy knows I’m not sleeepin’ well. I need little attentions, almost every hour.
26. Frankly, I wouldn’t want the responsibility of having slaves for anything in the world.
27. “Course, they ought to be flogged occasionally. They get so dreadfully lazy without it..
28. Four dollars a week. Do you know how long that’s going to take you? About five years.
29. Ophelia----I brought you a present. . . She’s all your to train and educate properly.
30. This little girl has been beaten every day of her life. All she needs is a little of my New England cousin’s upbringing.
31. Q: What is your name child?
A: Topsy, missis.
Q: Topsy, indeed!
32. They spoke of thee, Friend George, and of returning thee to thy master.
33. A driver is needed. I know the road. Do not ask for it is given.
34. I’ve seen them. The bright angels. They come in my sleep some time.
35. Q: How old are you?
A: Don’t know.
Q: Who is your mother?
A: Never had none, as I knows of.
Q: Where were you born?
A: Never was born. Was raised---by a Speculator. They buys ‘em up when they
is young.
Q: Topsy, have you ever heard about God? Do you know who made you?
A: Nobody, as I knows of.
36. If you confess, I won’t whip you this time.
37. This wicked, wicked child has stolen your red necklace.
38. Why in the world did you tell me you stole it?
39. Whoop me, ma’am!
40. I’d rather give you anything of mine then have you steal it.
41. You’re talkin’ about that demon, whiskey.
42. I’m going to have to try harder to abstain in the future.
43. We’re wastin’ time. They’re worth just as much dead as alive.
44. May I have the pleasure looking on?
45. My name is George Harris. I am a free man standing on God’s free soil and I claim my wife and my son as my own.
46. I think perhaps thee had better stay out of sight with thy speechifying, Friend George.
47. I think thee has found thy mark.
48. This wagon is thine. I shall get back on my own.
49. We’ll say our prayers for the Quakers as long as we live.
50. But why can’t we teach them all to read?
51. That’s a silly question. They haven’t the intelligence
52. But Tom can read.
53. but my darlin’ readin’ doesn’t teach them to work any better and they’re really not made for anythin’ else.
54. One day these pearls are goin’ to be yours to wear at your Comin’ Out Party.
55. I should say so! They’re worth a small fortune.
56. I wish I could have them right now.
57. So I could buy a small school, a place in the free states where we could teach the slaves to read and write.
58. Oh, my dear little Eva. Such a foolish chile! You don’t know anythin’ about these things.
59. You take care of Topsy and I’ll take care of Eva.
60. Q: Haven’t you ever had anyone to love, Topsy?
A: Me? I guess candy and sech.
61. Oh, no, Miss Pheely can’t bear me. She’d rather have a toad touch her ---Can’t
nobody love us niggers.
61. It’s true---she said that I can’t bear to have her touch me.
62. Leave it to a child. They’ll find out every time
63. Thee wilt not, sir. Bring in thy family at once!
64. Her lungs are filled with fluid. It could be very serious.
65. Oh how cruel! How very cruel! Here I am in the most wretched health and my only darlin’ daughter is goin’ down into the grave before my eyes.
66. He’s takin’ Eva out to the arbor. She wanted to see it one more time.
67. She say that she is sorry that her goin’ won’t stop our misery.
68. She’s got it, Tom. That chile’ has got the mark of the Lord on her forehead.
69. I started proceedings to grant you your enfranchisement. In other words, I’m going to make you a free man.
70. It was Eva, Tom. When she died she made me promise I’d let you go and I’d never break that promise.
71. Miss Eva was a messenger from the Lord.
72. I mean I’ve known two genuine saints in my life. I’ve lost one and I’m about to lose the other.
73. Augustine promised Tom his freedom before he died.
74. It’s absolutely impossible . . . Beside, what does he want of liberty? He’s better off as he is.
75. The servants will be sold. All of them. That’s final.
76. Topsy is mine, thank God. Augustine signed her over to me before he died.
77. That little baggage? I couldn’t care less.
78. They’re gonna sell us. The Missis gonna sell us—every last one of us.
79. Sold for $275 to Mr. Simon Legree.
80. Sold to Mr. Simon Legree for $1400.
81. This big fella here—they tell me he’s a mangin’ nigger. He’ll do real prime.
82. Used to doctor ‘em once upon a time. But it wasn’t worth the trouble. From now on when one nigger is dead I go out and buy me another.
83. I bet you never did have any earrings. Well, I’m gonna give you some.
84. You and me, we’re gonna have a fine time.
85. These here dogs would rather have you than supper.
86. See this one here? She’s yours. I told you I’d bring you one back.
87. You is my woman!
88. You want a beatin’?
89. Go ahead, beat me, kill me if you want. I wish I was dead.
90. I’m gonna make you happy. I’m gonna make you sooooo happy.
91. The lord? He don’t never visit these parts. Not that I know of.
92. Touch me! Go ahead! I’ll have you torn by those dogs and burnt alive. All I got to do is say the word.
93. I am gonna make you and overseer. You can drive all the others .
94. I want you to take that Lucy and flog her.
95. I’m not gonna raise my hand against that woman. It’s a sin.
96. The Bible says: Obey thy master. Well ain’t I your master? Didn’t I pay good money for you?
97. Nobody can buy my soul.
98. You’s in the devil’s hands and der’s no way out.
99. You lie here all beat up and you talk about Jesus?!
100.You beat up the best field hand you got in the middle of the pickin’ season!
1. I am gonna break that nigger. He will give up if I have to tear apart every bone in his body.
2. Q: Isn’t there some way we can get away from here?
A: Nowhere but the grave.
. 3. Take the brandy. It will make things easier when he comes at you again.
4. Don’t speak. Don’t look. Just keep walking.
5. We’re in Canada’Liza. We’re free! Don’t look back. Don’t ever look back.
6. We got no money. Got no roof over out head. We got plenty of fields to work and
I feel like we own the world!
7. Would you sell your soul to the devil for that?
8. All I can do is hate and cuss. That’s all I got inside me.
9. You run. You run for your life. For without faith you will not survive.
10. One night he kill someone up dere [the garrett] and ever since then he heard
voices in his head.
11. You’d steal from him?
12. He stole it, didn’t he? Off our sweat!
13. I have made up my mind that I am gonna kill you ‘lessen you tell me what happened to them.
14. I am gonna take every drop of your blood.
15. You take my blood. That is nothing. No—you can hurt me no more.
16. Well, at least it stopped his mouth from preachin’ and that is a comfort.
17. Kimbo, I done think we done a wicked thing cause I ain’t never felt like this before.
18. I understand you purchased a man named Tom. He used to belong to my father and I am here now to buy him back.
19. That nigger is the curse of the world.
20. He’s in da shanty, suh.
21. I’m here to buy you back, Tom. I’m gonna take you home.
22. Can’t do that now. Goin’ to the Glory now.
23. I’m free. I’m free.
24. Now who you gonna have as a witness?
25. What’s all the fuss about/ just one more dead nigger.
26. You put chains on all yours now. God forbid I take it from him!

NAME______________________________________DOC. NO.______________

Moby Dick by Herman Melville (1819-1891)

(Peck Video, l956)

(Fill in the speaker.)
1. Call me Ishmael
2. The sea, where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself.
3. You ain’t no objection to sharing’ a harpooner’s bed with him?
4. The men of New Bedford; the sea is ours and the whale is ours.
5. Mind you lad, if God ever wanted to be a fish, he’d be a whale.
6. Aye, Ahab’s Ahab.
7. He’s what you might call a dark complexioned chap.
8. You no speak, I kill you.
9. Landlord! Peter Coffin! Coffin, Save me!
10. Why didn’t you tell me I was sleepin’ with a cannibal?
11. Better a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian!
12. If we would obey God, we must disobey ourselves.
13. The whale vomited out Jonah on to the sea shore.
14. Jonah did the Almighty’s bidding . . . to preach the truth to the face of falsehood.
15. I sign too. Your boat my boat. I eat same food . . . we kill same whales. We friends.
16. If ye want to know about whalin’, clap an eye on Captain Ahab. Ye’ll see a man torn apart from crown to heel and spliced back together with sperm whalebone. His looks tell more about mortality than all the church-at sermons.
17. Was not Ahab of old a very wicked king? And when he was slain did not the dogs lick his blood?
18. Sign the paper and wrong him not because he happens to have a wicked name.
19. I suspect thee art not a Christian. Doth thee attend church on Sunday? Doth thee know and obey the Ten Commandments?
20. Did they tell you how his mother birthed him, turned from him, gave him his evil name, and died?
21. At sea one day, you’ll smell land where there’ll be no land. And on that day, Ahab will go to his grave. But he will rise again within the hour. He’ll rise and beckon--- and all, all save one, shall follow.
22. Ahab come out in moonlight.
23. With the marks of some inner crucifixion and woe deep in his face.
24. All you mastheaders, now hear me: You are to look for the white whale, a whale as white and as big as a mountain of snow.
25. Whosoever of ye finds me that white whale, ye shall have this Spanish gold ounce, my boys!
26. It’s a white whale I say. Skin your eyes for him.
27. Captain Ahab, was it not Moby Dick took off thy leg?
28. Aye, it was Moby Dick who tore my soul and body till they bled into each other.
29. Go draw the great measure of grog.
30. Drink and pass, round and round . . . it’s hot as satan’s hoof.
31. That same lightning that struck me, I now strike to this iron. Does it burn, men?
32. Drink ye harpooners, drink and swear.: God hunt us all if we do not hunt Moby Dick to his death.
33. Timor Tim, New Zealand Tom, and Morkan, King of the Japan sea.
34. He is white, whiter than all the snow that ever fell. Like a great marble tombstone afloat is he.
35. All oceans: He’s been spied in different oceans a thousand miles apart at the same hour on the same day. Immortal he is they say. (UBIQUITOUS)
36. I say what I say.
37. Sleep/ That bed is a coffin and those are winding sheets. I do not sleep; I die.
38. Sea mile by sea mile, I know their hidden journeys like the blood pumping in my veins.
39. One we’ve attended to our bigger business.
What’s that, sir?
Him, Mr. Starbuck. Him.
40. I came here to hunt whales not my commander’s vengeance.
41. Money’s not the measure, man. It will fetch me a great premium, here.
42. To be enraged with a dumb brute that acted out of blind ignorance, is blasphemous. Speak not to me of blaspheme, man. I’d strike the sun if it insulted me. (HUBRIS)
43. The White whale tasks me, he heaps me. Yet he is but a pasteboard mask. Tis the thing behind the mask I chiefly hate, the malignant thing that has plagued and frightened man since time began.
44. The crew stands with me Mr. Starbuck. You heard them swear.
45. Thee needn’t fear Starbuck. Let Ahab beware Ahab. Beware thyself, my captain.
46. The sun has baked your brains!
47. Like it so much I mean to have me other arm cut off.
48. Pip! Fetch rum!
49. Aye, a whale took me arm for his breakfast. Devilish big he was. Pushed the waves in front of him like a mountain . . . Old he was, and scarred, like Jerusalem’s hills.
50. Stop the hunt! Pick up your boats. We’re setting sail.
51. Mr. Starbuck, are you opposing me? If so, I’ll have ye know there is one God that is lord over the earth and one captain over the Pequod.
52. I do not give reasons Mr. Stubb, I give orders!
53. We been killin’ sir. Tis a hard thing to stop killin’ when ye been killin.
53a. This is an evil voyage I tell thee.. If Ahab has his way, neither ye nor me nor any member of this ship’s company will ever see home again.
54. It is our task in the world to kill whales and furnish up their oil for the lamps of the world.
55. He is twisting that which is holy into something dark and purposeless. He is a champion of darkness. Ahab’s red flag challenges the heavens.
56. Wrest his command from him? Does that mean take over?
57. Captains can’t break the law. They IS the law as far as I’m concerned.
58. You’re in dangerous waters Mr. Starbuck. Helm hard over. Come about.
59. A laugh’s the best answer to all the strains in life.
60. That coin’s worth sixteen dollars! I’ll be the first to sight the white whale.
61. The sea just swallowed him up. Queer!
62. April 19, 1842. Ahab’s chart and the new moon and Moby Dick rising together; but the moon has lost its horns and there’s no sign of the white whale yet. Seven days and seven nights on deck on watch and he ain’t gone below yet.
63. Since the lookout fell into the sea the wind don’t move and the tide don’t move. Even the sun is nailed to the sky like that gold coin is nailed to the mast.
64. See tomorrow here: Bones tell everything.
65. How much you build coffin for? . . . Build coffin, 6 feet seven inch, clean wood. Make like best boat: caulk and tar seams----no water come in. Carve chief’s feather on lid.
66. Money yours. Sea chest yours. My harpoon yours. Goodbye.
67. Queequeq, I absolutely forbid you to die. Queequeg, such behavior simply isn’t Christian. In fact, it is downright pagan and heathenish.
68. I’ve seen this before lad. One day for no reason they know that death is near. They give away all their belongings and they sit down and they just wait to die.
69. It’s Him. Oh, it’s Him.
70. Aye, we all see it; but, that don’t mean it’s real, necessarily.
71. He’s near. He’s very near.
72. That ain’t no whale. That a great white God.
73. About! Back to the ship! We’ll tie on and row for a wind!
74. “… while the white whale swam on widening the waters between himself and Ahab’s vengeance.
75. This man has his Spanish gold ounce. You shall have yours: When Moby Dick is struck and killed on that day you shall have your share of my 10% of the profits of this entire voyage. Every ounce of Moby Dick’s blood, another Spanish doubloon.
76. Pip! Grog, all around
77. Captain Gardener, I seek the white whale, your own son’s murderer. I am losing time.
78. Time? I’ve lost my whole world.
79. Avast, touch not a rope.
80. God help you Captain Gardener.
God Forgive you, Captain Ahab.
81. What say ye, all ye men? Will ye give as much blood as is needed to temper the steel?
82. To my anger now add your own. You be the cogs that fit my wheel . . . pledge yourself , heart, soul, body, life and lung as I pledge myself: Death to Moby Dick.
83. Earn your salt!
84. Mr. Starbuck, we’re three days behind Moby Dick. This wind is heaven sent!
85. Heaven sent to destroy us!
86. Let fall, I say! I’ll run you through!
87. St Elmo’s Fire
88. Aye, men, mark it well. It lights our way to the white whale.
89. Thus, I put out the last fear.
90. Jump my hearties! Jump!
91. Where are the crew of the Pequod. There is not one I know among thirty. Look at them. He has snatched their souls. They are gloves. Ahab fills them. Ahab moves them.
92. I see a madman beget more madmen.
93. Why this madness of the chase. This boiling blood and sulking brow?
94. I feel old, Starbuck, and bowed as though I were Adam staggering under the piled centuries since Paradise.
95. Let me look into a human eye. Tis better than to gaze into sea or sky.
96. What nameless, inscrutable, unearthly thing commands me against all human lovings and longings to keep pushing and crowding and jamming . . .?
97. Is Ahab Ahab? Is it I, God, or who who lifts this arm? For if the great sun cannot move except by God’s invisible power, how can my mere heart beat my brain think thoughts unless God does that beating does that living, does that thinking and not I?
98. Look ye into its deeps and see the everlasting slaughter that goes on. Who put it into its creatures to chase and fang one another ?
99. Because I do not have the bowels to slaughter thee and save the whole ship’s company from being dragged to doom.
100. Ye are tied to me Starbuck. This act was immutably decreed. It was rehearsed by ye and me a billion years before this ocean rolled.
101. No, Pip. Stand on board. Ye be captain in my absence. Stand ye there in my place.
102. Let the men go!
103. Thunder and hell, what’s wrong with ye?
104. Oh, ye whale, ye damned whale!
105. From hell’s heart I stab at thee. For hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee thou damned whale!
106. Ahab beckons. He’s dead but he beckons.
107. In after Him!
In after that devil?
108. Moby Dick’s no devil. A monstrous big whale, aye but a whale, no more. And we’re whalin’ men, no less.
109. The coffin, drowned Queequeg’s coffin was my lifebuoy.
110. The Rachel, who in her long, melancholy search for her missing children, found another orphan.
111. The drama’s done. All are departed away. The great shroud of the sea rolls over the Pequod, her crew and Moby Dick. I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

Name_______________________ Doc. No.________

(Fill in the speaker.)

Oedipus Rex Quotes

Author: Sophocles (496-406 BCE)

(Pennington Video, l987)

Location: Thebes, Ancient Greece
Time : circa 500 BCE

1. I am Oedipus the King; everyone knows my name.
2. This city is like a warship defeated in battle, wallowing aimlessly in a sea of blood.
3. …those deeper mysteries of life where the mind touches eternity.
4. You, a young man newly arrived here, solved the riddle of the sphinx.
5. An unmanned ship needs no captain: a city that is empty because its people are dead, has no further use for a king.
6. I’ve walked every corridor of the palace and all the secret galleries of my mind searching and searching what best to do.
7. There is something unclean in our city, born here, living here. It pollutes everything …We harbor it; we must drive it out.
8. What crisis could be greater than a murdered king? [REGICIDE]
9. With the Gods help we shall find out the truth and save our city. We must, or be destroyed. [POLYTHEISM}
10. A whole city slowly dying from an enemy no man can fight, slime and fungus on orchard and meadow, death in the womb and birth in the shadow of death.
11. Let this curse fall on him too: barren earth, barren cattle, a barren wife.
12. No murderer fears words if he can stomach murder.
13. The blind man, Tiresias: he sees into the heart of things and has solved more mysteries than any man living
14. Mine is a terrifying gift. What use is wisdom when it leads to suffering?
15. I can’t change the future, only describe it. What will happen, will happen, whatever I say.
16. You are the unclean thing, the dirt that breeds disease.
17. You are the murderer of the murdered king…I know, but you do not, that the woman you love is not the woman you love, that the relationship is taboo, disgusting, and will destroy you. [TABOO]
18. Creon isn’t your enemy, you are.
19. To his children, who he loves, he is brother and father; to the woman who bore him, lover and son; to his father, he is killer and the man who supplants him.
20. Some may see deeper, and some may not, because wisdom is a juncture shared unequally among men.
21. A reliable friend is a precious possession, worth a man’s life.
22. Time is the one incorruptible judge: one minute is long enough to accuse a man; to prove his innocence takes longer.
23. An unforgiving nature breeds misery in its own heart, not that of its enemy.
24. Set your mind at rest; no one can forecast the future.
25. When Laius was alive, an oracle told him …that he would be killed by his own son, our own child, and it didn’t happen.
26. The Gods always get their own way without anyone’s help when they’re ready.
27. Jocasta, I remember --- my brain’s a turmoil, feelings, memories.
28. Oh Zeus, what would you do to me?
29. My father, Polybus, was Corinth born and Merope, my mother, came from Doris. At a banquet one day … a man who had drunk too much jeered at me and said I was not my father’s son … I went to the Oracle at Delphi and heard a catalogue of horrors . . .I would marry my own mother and father children on her conceived incestuously and I would become notorious for it throughout the world. As if this were not enough, I would kill my own father…
30. These same hands that murdered him have fondled his wife.
31. A son of mine would kill him the oracle said and it didn’t happen. My poor little boy killed no one. He was the one who died years before any of this happened.
32. They never sleep nor decay with age as men decay. They run their courses from immortal sources.
33. The King is confused at the moment by his own nightmares and fantasies.
34. He seeks absolute power and in one foolish hour overreaches himself. [UNITIES OF TIME AND PLACE]
35. One message causing two such opposite reactions? Tell me!
36. Polybus is dead? The father of Oedipus is dead? The one man Oedipus has kept clear of for all these years for fear he should murder him and that man is dead at long last and Oedipus had nothing to do with it?!
37. Polybus is dead and so is the oracle with all its prophecies: dead and rotten!
38. Fear? Why fear? We live our lives at the mercy of chance, the purest coincidence. No one can predict the future, so why fear it?
39. As for marrying your mother, you’re not the first man to dream that dream. Every man is his mother’s lover in imagination or daydreams. It is commonplace.
40. Your ankles were drilled through and tied together. How else did you get your name? Oedipus---swollen foot--- Well, that’s what it means, isn’t it?
41. Listen to me in heaven’s name. If you want to stay alive, this search must end.
42. My God, you’re doomed. You can’t escape. I have one wish and one wish only, that you never find out who you really are.
43. Storms, hurricanes, let them come. I have traveled this far and now I am determined to discover my identity. If my birthplace was the gutter, I’ll find it out.
44. Finished. No chance now. You’re doomed. I’ve said all there is to say and my last words to you forever.
45. But who I am, that I must know and I will know it.
46. He was Laius’ servant, and honest as the day.
47. If you are that man, sir, the boy my friend took to Corinth, you were marked out for suffering from the day you were born.
48. All, all of it. I know it all now. Nothing left to find: My parenthood,a crime; my marriage, a crime; and that murder, committed on my own father. I see it all now.
49. Like a shadow blown in the dust is the short life of man.
50. We have all seen Oedipus the King brought down to misery.
51. Suffering, brief happiness, pain is mortal man’s destiny.
52. Was there ever a reversal of fortune more terrible than this?
53. Oedipus, world famous king, when you sucked and fondled at the same breast; how could the flesh keep silent so long where both son and father caressed?
54. She beat on the bed where she conceived a husband by a husband and children by a child.
55. Her fertile belly, twice it’s been harvested: Me and my children.
56. There were two golden brooches pinned on her dress. He opened them up and lifted them to arm’s length and plunged them down into his eyeballs----again and again.
57. So that all Thebes will see the father killer and mother ----, I can’t say that word in public.
58. Have any man’s eyes ever seen suffering more terrible?
59. Some destructive impulse in man prowling around you waiting its chance: I am fascinated and horrified.
60. Is that my voice looking like a ghost in front of my face?
61. This is his life now, to suffer twice over: The body’s sharp pain and the mind’s dull ache.
62. To make a prison cell of my mind in solitary confinement from the world.
63. The pain in the flesh is doubled in the mind: Ignorance made you happy the truth has made you blind.
64. Now my name will be known forever: My father’s killer, my mother’s lover.
65. Will there be any horror or shame not synonymous with Oedipus’ name?
66. …entering so joyfully the same passage that gave me exit into the world.
67. A marriage for a monster: father, brother, son, bride, wife, mother, sisters all confused, horribly mingled in a liaison too filthy to give a name to.
68. These hands are your father’s hands and your brother’s.
69. And who will marry you under these circumstances? No one. Virginity and barrenness are all you can look forward to.
70. Haven’t you of all people learned to trust the Gods?
71. Don’t give me orders. Those days are over. Your orders have brought you to this. Now you must learn to obey.
72. You have all seen Oedipus the King … overwhelmed by a tidal wave of disasters that will sweep him to his grave.
73. Judge no man’s life until he is dead.
74. Call no man fortunate or safe from pain till he lies in his last, everlasting bed and the earth covers his head.